The worlds first virtual television network - making stars of avatars.
In 2007 Treet TV started creating original machinima programming as SLCN, the Second Life Cable Network.

Treet TV was an entertainment network that served virtual worlds viewers and producers. It used a collaborative production model which resulted in more than 3500 hours of broadcast quality content, all targeting the phenomenon of virtual living. We worked with talented people located all around the world, some whom are still creating events in Second Life - from fashion shows, to sporting contests and music performances.
Shows were broadcast live to audiences inworld on Treet TV enabled television screens, as well as live streaming to the web. Large scale live events included the Transformers film press event, Philip Rosedale SL6B Opening Ceremony and the Best Practices in Education conferences.
A business-focused companion site highlighted how virtual worlds are being used to enrich and enhance corporate and enterprise innovation. Tech companies like Intel, Cisco, Nokia and others held virtual events of tech talks with live Q&A sessions. The showcase program 'Metanomics' hosted by Professor Robert Bloomfield interviewed high-profile policy makers in government and academia.
There seemed to be unlimited potential and opportunity working in virtual worlds like SL, but in reality not enough revenue to maintain and run a live streaming network.
Alas, Treet TV is now retired. It's been a wonderful experiment in virtual television programming.